Raycasts provide a way for you to project lines through your scenes and detect the objects they hit as well as return important information about what they hit.
I’ve recently been doing a lot of work on my website worldofzero.com in order to help launch the new version and improve the usability and accessibility of the site.
Top-Level Programs is a new feature being introduced in C# 9.0 that significantly simplifies certain C# programs and allows you to remove almost all of the boilerplate code from them.
Lets explore pathfinding by implementing Dijkstra’s Algorithm. Dijkstra’s Algorithm is a pathfinding algorithm that works by calculating the distance from any node in a graph to a target node.
Recently in a live stream we built “The Topic Wheel”/“Idea Wheel” with the goal being to create an interactive element for a stream that could display any number of options and select one of them.
Earlier this week we explored remote container environments for development that allow you to install, run and debug your development environments inside of isolated containers.
The .NET CLI includes the ability to install additional developer tools like powershell. This is a powerful feature that enables you to add tools to your developer environment without leaving your terminal.
Mocking describes a feature in programming that allows you to replace the functionality of an object with a blank version of itself or provide your own functionality in its place.
Lets take a look at building an abstraction over a character controller in our 2D platforming game. The goal of this refactoring and abstraction pattern is to improve the testability and modularity of the character controller.
You can modify the default scripts Unity generates for you when you use create new MonoBehaviors from inside the editor, generate new Tests or Shaders.