Static code analysis tools are tools that are able to inspect your code without actually executing it. They are valuable tools in the constant fight for good code.
Data Cube is back! The Internet of Things coolest way to visualize interactive data. Data Cube is an IoT device that allows interactions from other places (YouTube Views, Twitter Tweets or simple Website Views) to be visualized as data traveling along an LED strip.
Let’s make our binary clock tick! In this video we’re going to put the pieces we’ve developed over the previous episodes together and actually make our clock.
Time to get back to our binary clock. In this episode we’re going to be looking into some core level computer science stuff: how to convert an decimal integer value into it’s binary component parts.
Let’s make a Binary Clock app for the universal windows platform. By the end of this series we’ll have a binary clock we can deploy to an Xbox, Windows Phone, Windows desktop and even a Raspberry Pi or Hololens.
Welcome back! We’re picking up where we left off: developing an epic UI for our windows app. Time to fix what we broke and break what we haven’t made yet.
Continuing with where we left off with Emotible last time. Let’s integrate a database into our app so that we can store the emoji and persist them between application life cycles.
Let’s make an app. Specifically, lets make a universal windows app that can run across all of our windows devices from our Xbox One to our Windows Phone’s and PC’s.
Conqueror is an application built against the public Conquer Club API’s. What is Conquer Club? It’s an online strategy game built around conquering your foes and acquiring territory not unlike the classic boardgame Risk.